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Displaying 10 of 198 matching citations.

Kalleberg, Arne L. (2008). The State of Work (and Workers) in America. Work and Occupations, 35(3), 243-261.

Edwards, John R.; Crain, Marion; & Kalleberg, Arne L. (2007). Ending Poverty in America: How to Restore the American Dream. New York: New Press.

Kalleberg, Arne L. (2007). The Mismatched Worker. New York: W. W. Norton.

Nesheim, Torstein; Olsen, Karen Modesta; & Kalleberg, Arne L. (2007). Externalizing the Core: Firms’ Use of Employment Intermediaries in the Information and Communication Technology Industries. Human Resource Management Journal, 46(2), 247-264.

Nesheim, Torstein; Olsen, Karen Modesta; & Kalleberg, Arne L. (2007). Nedbemanning: Hvem er Mest Utsatt, og Hvordan Påvirkes Arbeidsvilkårene?. Søkelys på Arbeidslivet, 24(3), 261-273.

Berg, Peter; Appelbaum, Eileen; Bailey, Thomas; & Kalleberg, Arne L. (2006). Employee Control of Working Time: International Comparisons [Reprint].. Haak, René (Ed.) (pp. 140-154). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Berg, Peter & Kalleberg, Arne L. (2006). L'effet des Pratiques de Travail de Haute Performance sur le Stress Professionnel: Conclusions d'une Enquête auprès de Travailleurs Américains.. Askenazy, Philippe; Cartron, Damien; de Coninck, Frédéric; & Gollac, Michel (Eds.) (pp. 215-225). Toulouse, France: Octarès Éditions.

Cole, Robert E.; Kalleberg, Arne L.; & Lincoln, James R. (2006). Assessing Commitment in the United States and Japan: A Comment on Besser [Reprint].. Beynon, Huw & Nichols, Theo (Eds.) (pp. 409-412). Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar.

Davis, Amy E. & Kalleberg, Arne L. (2006). Family-Friendly Organizations? Work and Family Programs in the 1990s. Work and Occupations, 33(2), 191-223.

Kalleberg, Arne L. (2006). Nonstandard Employment Relations and Labour Market Inequality: Cross-National Patterns.. Therborn, Göran (Ed.) (pp. 136-162). London: Verso.