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Displaying 10 of 173 matching citations.

Entwisle, Barbara; Edmeades, Jeffrey; Malanson, George P.; Podhisita, Chai; Prasartkul, Pramote; Rindfuss, Ronald R.; & Walsh, Stephen J. (2008). Village Settlement, Deforestation, and the Expansion of Agriculture in a Frontier Region: Nang Rong, Thailand.. Millington, Andrew & Jepson, Wendy (Eds.) (pp. 165-177). New York: Springer.

Entwisle, Barbara; Malanson, George P.; Rindfuss, Ronald R.; & Walsh, Stephen J. (2008). An Agent-Based Model of Household Dynamics and Land Use Change. Journal of Land Use Science, 3(1), 73-93.

Entwisle, Barbara; Rindfuss, Ronald R.; Walsh, Stephen J.; & Page, Philip H. (2008). Population Growth and Its Spatial Distribution as Factors in the Deforestation of Nang Rong, Thailand. GeoForum, 39(2), 879-897. PMCID: PMC4193341

Malanson, George P.; Butler, David R.; Fagre, Daniel B.; Walsh, Stephen J.; Tomback, Diana F.; Daniels, Lori D.; Resler, Lynn M.; Smith, William K.; Weiss, Daniel J.; & Peterson, David L., et al. (2008). Alpine Treeline of Western North America: Linking Organism-to-Landscape Dynamics. Physical Geography, 28(5), 378-396.

Rindfuss, Ronald R.; Entwisle, Barbara; Walsh, Stephen J.; An, Li; Badenoch, Nathan; Brown, Daniel G.; Deadman, Peter; Evans, Thomas P.; Fox, Jefferson; & Geoghegan, Jacqueline, et al. (2008). Land Use Change: Complexity and Comparisons. Journal of Land Use Science, 3(1), 1-10. PMCID: PMC2846795

Shao, Yang; Walsh, Stephen J.; Entwisle, Barbara; & Rindfuss, Ronald R. (2008). Spatial Clustering and Urban Settings of Rural Migrants in Bangkok, Thailand. Geocarto International, 23(1), 35-52.

Walsh, Stephen J.; McCleary, Amy L.; Mena, Carlos F.; Shao, Yang; Tuttle, Julie P.; Gonzalez, Augusto; & Atkinson, Rachel (2008). QuickBird and Hyperion Data Analysis of an Invasive Plant Species in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador: Implications for Control and Land Use Management. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(5), 1927-1941.

Walsh, Stephen J. & McGinnis, D. (2008). Biocomplexity in Coupled Human-Natural Systems: The Study of Population and Environment Interactions. GeoForum, 39(2), 773-775.

Walsh, Stephen J.; Messina, Joseph P.; & Brown, Daniel G. (2008). Special Issue Foreward: Mapping and Modeling Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics in Frontier Settings. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 74(6), 677, 9.

Walsh, Stephen J.; Messina, Joseph P.; Mena, Carlos F.; Malanson, George P.; & Page, Philip H. (2008). Complexity Theory, Spatial Simulation Models, and Land Use Dynamics in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon. GeoForum, 39(2), 867-878.