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Displaying 10 of 173 matching citations.

Walsh, Stephen J.; Shao, Yang; Mena, Carlos F.; & McCleary, Amy L. (2008). Integration of Hyperion Satellite Data and a Household Social Survey to Characterize the Causes and Consequences of Reforestation Patterns in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 74(6), 725-735.

Butler, David R.; Malanson, George P.; & Walsh, Stephen J. (2007). Glacier National Park, Montana (U.S.).. Robbins, Paul (Ed.) (pp. 769-770). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Butler, David R.; Malanson, George P.; Walsh, Stephen J.; & Fagre, Daniel B. (2007). Influences of Geomorphology and Geology on Alpine Treeline in the American West–More Important than Climatic Influences?. Physical Geography, 28(5), 434-450.

Rindfuss, Ronald R.; Entwisle, Barbara; Walsh, Stephen J.; Mena, Carlos F.; Erlien, Christine M.; & Gray, Clark L. (2007). Frontier Land Use Change: Synthesis, Challenges, and Next Steps. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 97(4), 739-754.

Walsh, Stephen J. (2007). Deforestation.. Robbins, Paul (Ed.) (pp. 422-427). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Walsh, Stephen J. (2007). Feedbacks.. Robbins, Paul (Ed.) (pp. 655-656). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Walsh, Stephen J. (2007). Remote Sensing of Invasive Plants in the Galapagos National Park and Archipelago, Ecuador: Merging Hyper-Spatial and Hyper-Spectral Data for Enhanced Mapping. Directions Magazine.

Walsh, Stephen J. & Shao, Yang (2007). Geographic Information Science.. Robbins, Paul (Ed.) (pp. 750-752). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Erlien, Christine M.; Tuttle, Julie P.; McCleary, Amy L.; Mena, Carlos F.; & Walsh, Stephen J. (2006). Complexity Theory and Spatial Simulations of Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics: The Use of “What If” Scenarios for Education, Land Management, and Decision-Making. Geocarto International, 21(4), 67-74.

Malanson, George P.; Zeng, Yu; & Walsh, Stephen J. (2006). Complexity at Advancing Ecotones and Frontiers. Environment and Planning A, 38(4), 619-632.