Bentley, Margaret E.; Caulfield, Laura E.; Gross, Susan M.; Bronner, Yvonne L.; Jensen, Joan L.; Kessler, Lisa A.; & Paige, David M. (1999). Sources of Influence on Intention to Breastfeed among African-American Women at Entry to WIC. Journal of Human Lactation, 15(1), 27-34.
Bentley, Margaret E.; Gavin, Loretta E.; Black, Maureen M.; & Teti, Laureen (1999). Infant Feeding Practices of Low-Income, African-American, Adolescent Mothers: An Ecological, Multigenerational Perspective. Social Science & Medicine, 49(8), 1085-1100.
Bronner, Yvonne L.; Gross, Susan M.; Caulfield, Laura E.; Bentley, Margaret E.; Kessler, Lisa A.; Jensen, Joan L.; Weathers, B.; & Paige, David M. (1999). Early Introduction of Solid Foods among Urban African-American Participants in WIC. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 99(4), 457-461.
Moss, W.; Bentley, Margaret E.; Maman, Suzanne; Ayuko, D.; Egessah, O.; Sweat, Michael D.; Nyarang'o, P.; Zenilman, J.; Chemtai, A.; & Halsey, N. (1999). Foundations for Effective Strategies to Control Sexually Transmitted Infections: Voices from Rural Kenya. AIDS Care, 11(1), 95-113.
Bentley, Margaret E.; Spratt, Kai; Shepherd, Mary E.; Gangakhedkar, Raman R.; Thilakavathi, S.; Bollinger, Robert C.; & Mehendale, Sanjay M. (1998). HIV Testing and Counseling among Men Attending Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics in Pune, India: Changes in Condom Use and Sexual Behavior over Time. AIDS, 12(14), 1869-1877.
Caulfield, Laura E.; Gross, Susan M.; Bentley, Margaret E.; Bronner, Yvonne L.; Kessler, Lisa A.; Jensen, Joan L.; Weathers, B.; & Paige, David M. (1998). WIC-based Interventions to Promote Breastfeeding among African-American Women in Baltimore: Effects on Breastfeeding Initiation and Continuation. Journal of Human Lactation, 14(1), 15-22.
Christian, Parul; Bentley, Margaret E.; Pradhan, Rajendra; & West, Keith P., Jr. (1998). An Ethnographic Study of Night Blindness "Ratauni" among Women in the Terai of Nepal. Social Science & Medicine, 46(7), 879-889.
Christian, Parul; Thorne-Lyman, Andrew L.; West, Keith P., Jr.; Bentley, Margaret E.; Khatry, S. K.; Pradhan, E. K.; LeClerq, S. C.; & Shrestha, Sourya (1998). Working after the Sun Goes Down: Exploring How Night Blindness Impairs Women's Work Activities in Rural Nepal. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 52(7), 519-524.
de Zoysa, Isabelle; Elias, Christopher J.; & Bentley, Margaret E. (1998). Ethical Challenges in Efficacy Trials of Vaginal Microbicides for HIV Prevention. American Journal of Public Health, 88(4), 571-575. PMCID: PMC1508426
Gross, Susan M.; Caulfield, Laura E.; Bentley, Margaret E.; Bronner, Yvonne L.; Kessler, Lisa A.; Jensen, Joan L.; & Paige, David M. (1998). Counseling and Motivational Videotapes Increase Duration of Breast-feeding in African-American WIC Participants Who Initiate Breast-feeding. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 98(2), 143-148.