Ha, Pham Bich; Bentley, Margaret E.; Pachón, Helena; Sripaipan, Teerada; Caulfield, Laura E.; Marsh, David R.; & Schroeder, Dirk G. (2002). Caregiver Styles of Feeding and Child Acceptance of Food in Rural Viet Nam. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 23(Suppl. 4), 92-98.
Hirsch, Jennifer Sue; Higgins, Jennifer; Bentley, Margaret E.; & Nathanson, Constance A. (2002). The Social Constructions of Sexuality: Marital Infidelity and Sexually Transmitted Disease -- HIV Risk in a Mexican Migrant Community. American Journal of Public Health, 92(8), 1227-1237. PMCID: PMC1447220
Wang, Youfa; Bentley, Margaret E.; Zhai, Fengying; & Popkin, Barry M. (2002). Tracking of Dietary Intake Patterns of Chinese from Childhood to Adolescence over a Six-Year Follow-up Period. Journal of Nutrition, 132(3), 430-438.
Black, Maureen M.; Siegel, Emily H.; Abel, Yolanda; & Bentley, Margaret E. (2001). Home and Videotape Intervention Delays Early Complementary Feeding among Adolescent Mothers. Pediatrics, 107(5), U16-23.
Griffiths, Paula L. & Bentley, Margaret E. (2001). The Nutrition Transition Is Underway in India. Journal of Nutrition, 131(10), 2692-2700.
Mayer, Kenneth H.; Peipert, Jeffrey; Fleming, Thomas; Fullem, Andrew M.; Moench, Thomas; Cu-Uvin, Susan; Bentley, Margaret E.; Chesney, Margaret A.; & Rosenberg, Zeda (2001). Safety and Tolerability of BufferGel, a Novel Vaginal Microbicide, in Women in the United States. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 32(3), 476-482.
Bentley, Margaret E.; Morrow, Kathleen M.; Fullem, Andrew M.; Chesney, Margaret A.; Horton, Scott D.; Rosenberg, Zeda; & Mayer, Kenneth H. (2000). Acceptability of a Novel Vaginal Microbicide during a Safety Trial among Low-Risk Women. Family Planning Perspectives, 32(4), 184-188.
Creed-Kanashiro, Hilary M.; Uribe, Tula G.; Bartolini, Rosario M.; Fukumoto, Mary N.; Lopez, Teresa T.; Zavaleta, Nelly M.; & Bentley, Margaret E. (2000). Improving Dietary Intake to Prevent Anemia in Adolescent Girls through Community Kitchens in a Periurban Population of Lima, Peru. Journal of Nutrition, 130(2S), S459-461.
de Zoysa, Isabelle; Elias, Christopher J.; & Bentley, Margaret E. (2000). Microbicide Research and "The Investigator's Dilemma". American Journal of Public Health, 90(7), 1155. PMCID: PMC1446307
Engle, Patrice L.; Bentley, Margaret E.; & Pelto, Gretel H. (2000). The Role of Care in Nutrition Programmes: Current Research and a Research Agenda. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 59(1), 25-35.