*Explore and More!
*Getting There
*The Climate
*The Culture
*Social Surveys
*Linkage Issues
*Climate Change
* Conclusions
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Let's Recap

Nang Rong district is experiencing innumerable changes. Better connection and communication with the broader world, shifting agricultural practices and livelihoods, changing demographic compositions and distributions, land use and land cover change, and possible climate change barely scratch the surface of the myriad changes occurring.

At the same time, people live their day to day lives, clinging to behaviors that are still useful while abandoning those that are increasingly ineffective, sometimes slowly and grudgingly, other times rapidly and enthusiastically. The people half of the population and environment interaction is what truly motivates us and captivates our attention. We wish to understand complex global phenomena not just out of a desire for knowledge, but also out of the hope that through understanding, people's lives and opportunities may be improved in some tangible way.

A Role for You

You, as a citizen of the world, can play a role in this process as well. It starts with looking beneath the deceptively simple surface of matters and uncovering the complexities that lie in hiding. From there, careful policies and informed decisions may be possible that can address some of these problems. The Nang Rong project is just the first step in a long chain that starts with us, the information producers, and travels through you, the information consumers, out into the world. It is our sincere hope that you have learned a great deal about Thailand, the "Land of Smiles," and also that you have seen the larger connections to other regions of the world.

We obviously feel strongly that our results and discoveries are well worth the sacrifices and have done our best to share a few of these discoveries with you, along with a taste of the amazing place on the other side of the world where we work. If you are curious to learn more about what we do or how you might get involved in the project, you can start by reading some of the extensive information on our regular webpage. If you have more questions, you can get in touch with us using the contact page of our website.  

  Last Modified: 02/08/2008 UNC Carolina Population Center