Nang Rong Projects Public-Use Data
Public release of the Nang Rong Projects data required a balance
between the benefit of the data to the scientific community and our
promise of confidentiality to study participants. We are releasing for
public use much of the Social Survey Data, including most of the 1984,
1994, and 2000 household census data as well as most of the 1994-95 and
2000-01 migrant follow-up data. We are not
releasing any data that might be used to identify a respondent's
village of origin or any of the community data. All of the released data files are available in SPSS, Stata
and SAS transport (using xport engine) format,
at no cost.
Documentation for the Social Survey public-use data includes questionnaires
and codebooks for the household and migrant follow-up surveys as well
as field manuals, data files charts, and a
"By-the-Numbers" section, all organized by survey year and accessible
from the Social Survey Data
page. Documentation for the Constructed public-use data includes coding instructions, dynamic variable doucmentation and data files charts accessible from the Constructed Data page.
If you decide to download any of the data files, please join the Nang Rong
Projects Mailing List for public release data. Mailing list members will receive
periodic updates on the data files, documentation and other important
events related to the Nang Rong Projects.
Before downloading any of the data files, you can explore the data by following the 1984, 1994, 2000 and Constructed Data links below: