Project History
Since 1984 researchers have observed the villagers of Nang Rong, talking to individuals, following migrants,
and collecting data on their communities and environment. Although the research
teams and methods have changed as funding and resources have changed, each has
contributed to a growing body of information that describes a dynamic and
adaptive population. This history describes two decades of research under five separate projects:
Completed projects
1) CBIRD Evaluation Project 1984
2) Demographic
Responses 1993-2004
a) C-Bird
Evaluation Project-CPC Study 1994-1995
b) C-Bird
Evaluation Project-CPC Study 2000-2001
3) Population
Dynamics, Landscape Patterns and Environmental Changes:
Relationsips between People, Pixels and Biophysical Gradients 1995 -
4) Soil, Water, People, and Pixels: A Study of Nang Rong 1997 - 2000
Currently funded projects
5) Complexity
Theory 2001-2005
6) Complexity
Theory 2001-2005
7) Social
Networks and Migration 1999-2004