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Displaying 10 of 213 matching citations.

Wilkinson, Andra L.; Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; & Herring, Amy H. (2016). Directions of the Relationship between Substance Use and Depressive Symptoms from Adolescence to Young Adulthood. Addictive Behaviors, 60, 64-70. PMCID: PMC4884464

Wilkinson, Andra L.; Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; Herring, Amy H.; Shanahan, Meghan E.; Ennett, Susan T.; Hussey, Jon M.; & Harris, Kathleen Mullan (2016). Testing Longitudinal Relationships between Binge Drinking, Marijuana Use, and Depressive Symptoms and Moderation by Sex. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59(6), 681-687. PMCID: PMC5123943

Chang, Ling-Yin; Foshee, Vangie Ann; Reyes, Heathe Luz McNaughton; Ennett, Susan T.; & Halpern, Carolyn Tucker (2015). Direct and Indirect Effects of Neighborhood Characteristics on the Perpetration of Dating Violence across Adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44(3), 727-744.

Cho, Hyunsan; Luseno, Winnie Kavulani; Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; Zhang, Lei; Mbai, Isabella; Milimo, Benson W.; & Hallfors, Denise Dion (2015). Discordance of HIV and HSV-2 Biomarkers and Self-Reported Sexual Behaviour among Orphan Adolescents in Western Kenya. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 91(4), 260-265. PMCID: PMC4422775

Choukas-Bradley, Sophia; Goldberg, Shoshana K.; Widman, Laura M.; Reese, Bianka M.; & Halpern, Carolyn Tucker (2015). Demographic and Developmental Differences in the Content and Sequence of Adolescents' Ideal Romantic Relationship Behaviors. Journal of Adolescence, 45, 112-126. PMCID: PMC4674348

Haberstick, Brett C.; Smolen, Andrew; Williams, Redford B.; Bishop, George D.; Foshee, Vangie Ann; Thornberry, Terence P.; Conger, Rand D.; Siegler, Ilene C.; Zhang, Xiaodong; & Boardman, Jason D., et al. (2015). Population Frequencies of the Triallelic 5HTTLPR in Six Ethnicially Diverse Samples from North America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Behavior Genetics, 45(2), 255-261. PMCID: PMC4348250

Hallfors, Denise Dion; Cho, Hyunsan; Mbai, Isabella; Millimo, Benson W.; Atieno, Carolyne; Okumu, David; Luseno, Winnie Kavulani; Hartman, Shane; Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; & Hobbs, Marcia M. (2015). Disclosure of HSV-2 Serological Test Results in the Context of an Adolescent HIV Prevention Trial in Kenya. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 91(6), 395-400. PMCID: PMC4546528

Handa, Sudhanshu; Peterman, Amber; Huang, Carolyn; Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; Pettifor, Audrey E.; & Thirumurthy, Harsha (2015). Impact of the Kenya Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children on Early Pregnancy and Marriage of Adolescent Girls. Social Science & Medicine, 141, 36-45. PMCID: PMC4659857

Hussey, Jon M.; Nguyen, Quynh C.; Whitsel, Eric A.; Richardson, Liana J.; Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; Gordon-Larsen, Penny; Tabor, Joyce W.; Entzel, Pamela P.; & Harris, Kathleen Mullan (2015). The Reliability of In-Home Measures of Height and Weight in Large Cohort Studies: Evidence from Add Health. Demographic Research, 32(39), 1081-1098. PMCID: PMC4487879

McQueen, Matthew B.; Boardman, Jason D.; Domingue, Benjamin W.; Smolen, Andrew; Tabor, Joyce W.; Killeya-Jones, Ley A.; Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; Whitsel, Eric A.; & Harris, Kathleen Mullan (2015). The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) Sibling Pairs Genome-Wide Data. Behavior Genetics, 45(1), 12-23. PMCID: PMC4289640