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Displaying 10 of 154 matching citations.

Griffin, Larry J. & Bollen, Kenneth A. (2009). What Do These Memories Do? Civil Rights Remembrance and Racial Attitudes. American Sociological Review, 74(4), 594-614.

Gutmann, Myron P.; Abrahamson, Mark; Adams, Margaret O.; Altman, Micah; Arms, Caroline; Bollen, Kenneth A.; Carlson, Michael; Crabtree, Jonathan; Donakowski, Darrell; & King, Gary, et al. (2009). From Preserving the Past to Preserving the Future: The Data-PASS Project and the Challenges of Preserving Digital Social Science Data. Library Trends, 57(3), 315-337.

Kirby, James B. & Bollen, Kenneth A. (2009). Using Instrumental Variable Tests to Evaluate Model Specification in Latent Variable Structural Equation Models. Sociological Methodology, 38(1), 327-355. PMCID: PMC2858448

Bollen, Kenneth A.; Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia; & Skrondal, Anders (2008). Structural Equation Models.. Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M.; Brady, Henry E.; & Collier, David (Eds.) (pp. 432-455). New York: Oxford University Press.

Chen, Feinian; Curran, Patrick J.; Bollen, Kenneth A.; Kirby, James B.; & Paxton, Pamela M. (2008). An Empirical Evaluation of the Use of Fixed Cutoff Points in RMSEA Test Statistics in Structural Equation Models. Sociological Methods & Research, 36(4), 462-494. PMCID: PMC2743032

Grace, James B. & Bollen, Kenneth A. (2008). Representing General Theoretical Concepts in Structural Equation Models: The Role of Composite Variables. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 15(2), 191-213.

Bollen, Kenneth A. (2007). Interpretational Confounding Is Due to Misspecification, Not to Type of Indicator: Comment on Howell, Breivik, and Wilcox (2007). Psychological Methods, 12(2), 219-228.

Bollen, Kenneth A. (2007). On the Origins of Latent Curve Models.. Cudeck, Robert & MacCallum, Robert C. (Eds.) (pp. 79-97). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Bollen, Kenneth A.; Glanville, Jennifer L.; & Stecklov, Guy (2007). Socio-Economic Status, Permanent Income, and Fertility: A Latent-Variable Approach. Population Studies, 61(1), 15-34.

Bollen, Kenneth A.; Kirby, James B.; Curran, Patrick J.; Paxton, Pamela M.; & Chen, Feinian (2007). Latent Variable Models under Misspecification: Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) Estimators. Sociological Methods & Research, 36(1), 48-86.