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Displaying 10 of 12682 matching citations.

Meng, Hailong; Joyce, Andrew R.; Adkins, Daniel E.; Basu, Priyadarshi; Jia, Yankai; Li, Guoya; Sengupta, Tapas K.; Zedler, Barbara K.; Murrelle, Edward Lenn; & van den Oord, Edwin J. C. G. (2010). A Statistical Method for Excluding Non-Variable CpG Sites in High-Throughput DNA Methylation Profiling [Open Access]. BMC Bioinformatics, 11, 227. PMCID: PMC2876131

Messer, Lynne C. & Kaufman, Jay S. (2010). Invited Commentary: The Socioeconomic Causes of Adverse Birth Outcomes. American Journal of Epidemiology, 172(2), 135-137. PMCID: PMC3139972

Messina, Jane P.; Emch, Michael E; .; Muwonga, Jeremie; Mwandagalirwa, Melchior Kashamuka; Edidi, Samuel B.; Mama, Nicaise; Okenge, Augustin; & Meshnick, Steven R. (2010). Spatial and Socio-Behavioral Patterns of HIV Prevalence in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Social Science & Medicine, 71(8), 1428-1435. PMCID: PMC4801184

Metzger, Jesse S.; Catellier, Diane J.; Evenson, Kelly R.; Treuth, Margarita S.; Rosamond, Wayne D.; & Siega-Riz, Anna Maria (2010). Associations between Patterns of Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Risk Factors for the Metabolic Syndrome. American Journal of Health Promotion, 24(3), 161-169. PMCID: PMC5666300

Miller, Brian W.; Breckheimer, Ian; McCleary, Amy L.; Guzmán Ramírez, Liza; Caplow, Susan C.; Jones-Smith, Jessica C.; & Walsh, Stephen J. (2010). Using Stylized Agent-Based Models for Population-Environment Research: A Case Study from the Galapagos Islands. Population and Environment, 31(6), 401-426. PMCID: PMC2881671

Miller, Eric A.; Rasmussen, Sonja A.; Siega-Riz, Anna Maria; Frías, Jaime L.; Honein, Margaret A.; & the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, (2010). Risk Factors for Non-Syndromic Holoprosencephaly in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics, 154C(1), 62-72.

Milton, Evan C.; Herman, William H.; Aiello, Allison E.; Danielson, Kris R.; Mendoza-Avelarez, Milton O.; & Piette, John D. (2010). Validation of a Type 2 Diabetes Screening Tool in Rural Honduras. Diabetes Care, 33(2), 275-277. PMCID: PMC2809263

Mohanan, Manoj & Maselko, Joanna (2010). Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Causal Effects of Physical Health on Mental Health. International Journal of Epidemiology, 39(2), 487-493.

Monserud, Maria A. (2010). Continuity and Change in Grandchildren's Closeness to Grandparents: Consequences of Changing Intergenerational Ties. Marriage & Family Review, 46(5), 366-388. PMCID: PMC3041964

Monserud, Maria A. (2010). Role Markers of Adulthood and Young Adults' Ties to Grandparents. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 8(1), 38-53. PMCID: PMC2922058