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Displaying 10 of 12682 matching citations.

Lewis, Tene T.; Aiello, Allison E.; Leurgans, Sue; Kelly, Jeremiah; & Barnes, Lisa L. (2010). Self-Reported Experiences of Everyday Discrimination Are Associated with Elevated C-Reactive Protein Levels in Older African-American Adults. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 24(3), 438-443. PMCID: PMC2826562

Li, Jiang; Quinn, Jeff; Rico, Cassandra L.; Noguera, Amaris C.; Silbajoris, Christie; Brown, Jane D.; & McDuffee, Diana (2010). Developing a Health Care Intermediary-Delivered Intervention to Promote an Online Health Information Resource: Results from Formative Research. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet, 14(4), 369-381.

Lowe, Nichola; Hagan, Jacqueline Maria; & Iskander, Natasha (2010). Revealing Talent: Informal Skills Intermediation as an Emergent Pathway to Immigrant Labor Market Incorporation. Environment and Planning A, 42(1), 205-222.

Lu, Flora E.; Gray, Clark L.; Bilsborrow, Richard E.; Mena, Carlos F.; Erlien, Christine M.; Bremner, Jason L.; Barbieri, Alisson F.; & Walsh, Stephen J. (2010). Contrasting Colonist and Indigenous Impacts on Amazonian Forests. Conservation Biology, 24(3), 881-885. PMCID: PMC3398689

Lubin, Jay H.; Gaudet, Mia M.; Olshan, Andrew F.; Kelsey, Karl T.; Boffetta, Paolo; Brennan, Paul; Castellsague, Xavier; Chen, Chu; Curado, Maria Paula; & Dal Maso, Luigino, et al. (2010). Body Mass Index, Cigarette Smoking, and Alcohol Consumption and Cancers of the Oral Cavity, Pharynx, and Larynx: Modeling Odds Ratios in Pooled Case-Control Data. American Journal of Epidemiology, 171(12), 1250-1261. PMCID: PMC2915496

Mack, Natasha; Grey, Thomas G.; Amsterdam, Alexis; Williamson, Nancy; & Matta, Claudia Interiano (2010). Introducing Female Condoms to Female Sex Workers in Central America. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 36(3), 149-156.

Madkour, Aubrey Spriggs; Farhat, Tilda; Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; Godeau, Emmanuelle; & Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse (2010). Early Adolescent Sexual Initiation and Physical/Psychological Symptoms: A Comparative Analysis of Five Nations. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39(10), 1211-1225. PMCID: PMC2917505

Madkour, Aubrey Spriggs; Farhat, Tilda; Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; Godeau, Emmanuelle; & Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse (2010). Early Adolescent Sexual Initiation as a Problem Behavior: A Comparative Study of Five Nations. Journal of Adolescent Health, 47(4), 389-398. PMCID: PMC2945604

Madkour, Aubrey Spriggs; Martin, Sandra L.; Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; & Schoenbach, Victor J. (2010). Area Disadvantage and Intimate Partner Homicide: An Ecological Analysis of North Carolina Counties, 2004-2006. Violence and Victims, 25(3), 363-377. PMCID: PMC2891556

Maggi, Stefania; Irwin, Lori J.; Siddiqi, Arjumand A.; & Hertzman, Clyde (2010). The Social Determinants of Early Child Development: An Overview. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 46(11), 627-635.