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Displaying 10 of 512 matching citations.

Vohra, Sanah N.; Walens, Andrea; Hamilton, Alina M.; Sherman, Mark E.; Schedin, Pepper J.; Nichols, Hazel B.; Reeder-Hayes, Katherine E.; Olshan, Andrew F.; Love, Michael I.; & Troester, Melissa A. (2022). Molecular and Clinical Characterization of Postpartum-Associated Breast Cancer in the Carolina Breast Cancer Study Phase I-III, 1993-2013. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 31(3), 561-568. PMCID: PMC8901538

Wang, Xiaoliang; Kapoor, Pooja Middha; Auer, Paul L.; Dennis, Joe; Dunning, Alison M.; Wang, Qin; Lush, Michael; Michailidou, Kyriaki; Bolla, Manjeet K.; & Aronson, Kristan J., et al. (2022). Genome-Wide Interaction Analysis of Menopausal Hormone Therapy Use and Breast Cancer Risk among 62,370 Women. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 6199. PMCID: PMC9007944

Zaganjor, Ibrahim; Keil, Alexander P.; Luben, Thomas J.; Desrosiers, Tania A.; Engel, Lawrence S.; Reefhuis, Jennita; Michalski, Adrian M.; Langlois, Peter H.; & Olshan, Andrew F. (2022). Is Maternal Employment Site a Source of Exposure Misclassification in Studies of Environmental Exposures and Birth Outcomes? A Simulation-Based Bias Analysis of Haloacetic Acids in Tap Water and Hypospadias. Environmental Epidemiology, 6(2), e207. PMCID: PMC9005252

Adedokun, Babatunde; Du, Zhaohui; Gao, Guimin; Ahearn, Thomas U.; Lunetta, Kathryn L.; Zirpoli, Gary R.; Figueroa, Jonine; John, Esther M.; Bernstein, Leslie; & Zheng, Wei, et al. (2021). Cross-Ancestry GWAS Meta-Analysis Identifies Six Breast Cancer Loci in African and European Ancestry Women. Nature Communications, 12(1), 4198. PMCID: PMC8263739

Anderson, Chelsea; Bae-Jump, Victoria L.; Broaddus, Russell R.; Olshan, Andrew F.; & Nichols, Hazel B. (2021). Long-Term Patterns of Excess Mortality among Endometrial Cancer Survivors. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 30(6), 1079-1088. PMCID: PMC8172460

Barrios, Yasmin V.; Maselko, Joanna; Engel, Stephanie M.; Pence, Brian W.; Olshan, Andrew F.; Meltzer-Brody, Samantha; Dole, Nancy; & Thorp, John M., Jr. (2021). The Relationship of Cumulative Psychosocial Adversity with Antepartum Depression and Anxiety. Depression and Anxiety, 38(10), 1034-1045.

Benefield, Halei C.; Reeder-Hayes, Katherine E.; Nichols, Hazel B.; Calhoun, Benjamin C.; Love, Michael I.; Kirk, Erin L.; Geradts, Joseph; Hoadley, Katherine A.; Cole, Stephen R.; & Earp, H. Shelton, et al. (2021). Outcomes of Hormone-Receptor Positive, HER2-Negative Breast Cancers by Race and Tumor Biological Features. JNCI Cancer Spectrum, 5(1), pkaa072. PMCID: PMC7791616

Benefield, Halei C.; Zirpoli, Gary R.; Allott, Emma H.; Shan, Yue; Hurson, Amber N.; Omilian, Angela; Khoury, Thaer; Hong, Chi-Chen; Olshan, Andrew F.; & Bethea, Traci N., et al. (2021). Epidemiology of Basal-Like and Luminal Breast Cancers among Black Women in the AMBER Consortium. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 30(1), 71-79. PMCID: PMC8935955

Bitsie, Kevin R.; Cheng, Ting-Yuan David; McCann, Susan E.; Zirpoli, Gary R.; Yao, Song; Bandera, Elisa V.; Kolonel, Laurence N.; Rosenberg, Lynn A.; Olshan, Andrew F.; & Palmer, Julie R., et al. (2021). Dietary Vitamin A and Breast Cancer Risk in Black Women: The African American Breast Cancer Epidemiology and Risk (AMBER) Consortium. Journal of Nutrition, 151(12), 3725-3737. PMCID: PMC8643579

Bravi, Francesca; Lee, Yuan-Chin Amy; Hashibe, Mia; Boffetta, Paolo; Conway, David I.; Ferraroni, Monica; La Vecchia, Carlo; Edefonti, Valeria; Agudo, Antonio; & Ahrens, Wolfgang, et al. (2021). Lessons Learned from the INHANCE Consortium: An Overview of Recent Results on Head and Neck Cancer. Oral Diseases, 27(1), 73-93. PMCID: PMC7752834