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Displaying 10 of 109 matching citations.

Hall, Marissa G.; Grummon, Anna H.; Lazard, Allison J.; Maynard, Olivia M.; & Taillie, Lindsey Smith (2020). Reactions to Graphic and Text Health Warnings for Cigarettes, Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, and Alcohol: An Online Randomized Experiment of US Adults. Preventive Medicine, 137, 106120. PMCID: PMC7713698

Hall, Marissa G.; Lazard, Allison J.; Grummon, Anna H.; Mendel, Jennifer R.; & Taillie, Lindsey Smith (2020). The Impact of Front-of-Package Claims, Fruit Images, and Health Warnings on Consumers' Perceptions of Sugar-Sweetened Fruit Drinks: Three Randomized Experiments. Preventive Medicine, 132, 105998. PMCID: PMC7085890

Jáuregui, Alejandra; Vargas-Meza, Jorge; Nieto, Claudia; Contreras-Manzano, Alejandra; Alejandro, Nelson Zacarías; Tolentino-Mayo, Lizbeth; Hall, Marissa G.; & Barquera, Simón (2020). Impact of Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels on Consumer Purchasing Intentions: A Randomized Experiment in Low- and Middle-Income Mexican Adults. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 463. PMCID: PMC7137298

Noar, Seth M.; Rohde, Jacob A.; Barker, Joshua O.; Hall, Marissa G.; & Brewer, Noel T. (2020). Pictorial Cigarette Pack Warnings Increase Some Risk Appraisals but Not Risk Beliefs: A Meta-Analysis. Human Communication Research, 46(2-3), 250-272. PMCID: PMC7291919

Noar, Seth M.; Rohde, Jacob A.; Prentice-Dunn, Hannah; Kresovich, Alex; Hall, Marissa G.; & Brewer, Noel T. (2020). Evaluating the Actual and Perceived Effectiveness of E-Cigarette Prevention Advertisements among Adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 109, 106473.

Reynolds, James P.; Vasiljevic, Milica; Pilling, Mark; Hall, Marissa G.; Ribisl, Kurt M.; & Marteau, Theresa M. (2020). Communicating Evidence about the Causes of Obesity and Support for Obesity Policies: Two Population-Based Survey Experiments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 6539. PMCID: PMC7559841

Rohde, Jacob A.; Noar, Seth M.; Mendel, Jennifer R.; Hall, Marissa G.; Baig, Sabeeh A.; Ribisl, Kurt M.; & Brewer, Noel T. (2020). E-Cigarette Health Harm Awareness and Discouragement: Implications for Health Communication. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 22(7), 1131-1138. PMCID: PMC7291804

Shelus, Victoria; Frank, Simone C.; Lazard, Allison J.; Higgins, Isabella C. A.; Pulido, Marlyn; Richter, Ana Paula C.; Vandegrift, Sara M.; Vereen, Rhyan N.; Ribisl, Kurt M.; & Hall, Marissa G. (2020). Motivations and Barriers for the Use of Face Coverings during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Messaging Insights from Focus Groups. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(24), e9298. PMCID: PMC7763909

Taillie, Lindsey Smith; Hall, Marissa G.; Gómez, Luis F.; Higgins, Isabella C. A.; Bercholz, Maxime; Murukutla, Nandita; & Mora-Plazas, Mercedes (2020). Designing an Effective Front-of-Package Warning Label for Food and Drinks High in Added Sugar, Sodium, or Saturated Fat in Colombia: An Online Experiment. Nutrients, 12(10), E3124. PMCID: PMC7601991

Taillie, Lindsey Smith; Hall, Marissa G.; Popkin, Barry M.; Ng, Shu Wen; & Murukutla, Nandita (2020). Experimental Studies of Front-of-Package Nutrient Warning Labels on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Ultra-Processed Foods: A Scoping Review. Nutrients, 12(2), 569.