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Displaying 10 of 39 matching citations.

Hagan, Jacqueline Maria (2012). Crossing Borders: Transnational Sanctuary, Social Justice, and the Church.. Bender, Courtney; Cadge, Wendy; Levitt, Peggy; & Smilde, David (Eds.) (pp. 263-283). New York: Oxford University Press.

Hagan, Jacqueline Maria & Hernandez-Leon, Ruben (2011). Restructurations Economiques et Transfert de Compétences dans le Système Migratoire Mexique–États-Unis.. Mendez, Ariel; Tchobanian, Robert; & Vion, Antoine (Eds.) (pp. 145-156). Paris: Armand Colin.

Hagan, Jacqueline Maria; Lowe, Nichola; & Quingla, Christian (2011). Skills on the Move: Rethinking the Relationship between Human Capital and Immigrant Economic Mobility. Work and Occupations, 38(2), 149-178. PMCID: PMC3658444

Hagan, Jacqueline Maria; Rodríguez, Nestor; & Castro, Brianna (2011). Social Effects of Mass Deportations by the United States Government, 2000-10. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34(8), 1374-1391.

Arbona, Consuelo; Olvera, Norma; Rodríguez, Nestor; Hagan, Jacqueline Maria; Linares, Adriana; & Wiesner, Margit (2010). Acculturative Stress among Documented and Undocumented Latino Immigrants in the United States. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 32(3), 362-384. PMCID: PMC4254683

Hagan, Jacqueline Maria; Castro, Brianna; & Rodríguez, Nestor (2010). The Effects of U.S. Deportation Policies on Immigrant Families and Communities: Cross-Border Perspectives. North Carolina Law Review, 88(5), 1799-1823.

Lowe, Nichola; Hagan, Jacqueline Maria; & Iskander, Natasha (2010). Revealing Talent: Informal Skills Intermediation as an Emergent Pathway to Immigrant Labor Market Incorporation. Environment and Planning A, 42(1), 205-222.

Hagan, Jacqueline Maria (2008). Faith for the Journey: Religion as Resource for Migrants.. Groody, Daniel G. & Campese, Gioacchino (Eds.) (pp. 3-19). Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.

Hagan, Jacqueline Maria (2008). Migration Miracle: Faith, Hope, and Meaning on the Undocumented Journey. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Hagan, Jacqueline Maria; Eschbach, Karl; & Rodríguez, Nestor (2008). U.S. Deportation Policy, Family Separation, and Circular Migration. International Migration Review, 42(1), 64-88.