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Displaying 10 of 360 matching citations.

Adair, Linda S. (2009). Methods Appropriate for Studying the Relationship of Breast-Feeding to Obesity. Journal of Nutrition, 139(2), S408S-11.

Adair, Linda S.; Martorell, Reynaldo; Stein, Aryeh D.; Hallal, Pedro C.; Sachdev, Harshpal Singh; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Wills, Andrew K.; Norris, Shane A.; Dahly, Darren L.; & Lee, Nanette R., et al. (2009). Size at Birth, Weight Gain in Infancy and Childhood, and Adult Blood Pressure in 5 Low- and Middle- Income-Country Cohorts: When Does Weight Gain Matter? [Open Access]. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 89(5), 1383-1392. PMCID: PMC2720838

Carba, Delia B.; Tan, Vivencia L.; & Adair, Linda S. (2009). Early Childhood Length-for-Age Is Associated with the Work Status of Filipino Young Adults. Economics & Human Biology, 7(1), 7-17. PMCID: PMC2692275

Dahly, Darren L.; Adair, Linda S.; & Bollen, Kenneth A. (2009). A Structural Equation Model of the Developmental Origins of Blood Pressure. International Journal of Epidemiology, 38(2), 538-548. PMCID: PMC2663718

Daniels, Melissa C.; Adair, Linda S.; Popkin, Barry M.; & Truong, Y. K. (2009). Dietary Diversity Scores Can Be Improved through the Use of Portion Requirements: An Analysis in Young Filipino Children. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63(2), 199-208.

Ferguson, Yvonne Owens; Eng, Eugenia; Bentley, Margaret E.; Sandelowski, Margarete; Steckler, Allan; Randall-David, Elizabeth; Piwoz, Ellen G.; Zulu, Cynthia; Chasela, Charles S.; & Soko, Alice, et al. (2009). Evaluating Nurses' Implementation of an Infant-Feeding Counseling Protocol for HIV-Infected Mothers: The BAN Study in Lilongwe, Malawi. AIDS Education and Prevention, 21(2), 141-155. PMCID: PMC2903193

Kelles, Anna & Adair, Linda S. (2009). Offspring Consume a More Obesogenic Diet than Mothers in Response to Changing Socioeconomic Status and Urbanization in Cebu, Philippines. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 6, 47. PMCID: PMC2734565

Liu, Haiyong; Mroz, Thomas A.; & Adair, Linda S. (2009). Parental Compensatory Behaviors and Early Child Health Outcomes in Cebu, Philippines. Journal of Development Economics, 90(2), 209-230. PMCID: PMC3325113

McDade, Thomas W.; Rutherford, Julienne N.; Adair, Linda S.; & Kuzawa, Christopher W. (2009). Population Differences in Associations between C-Reactive Protein Concentration and Adiposity: Comparison of Young Adults in the Philippines and the United States. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 89(4), 1237-1245. PMCID: PMC2667466

Scharoun-Lee, Melissa; Adair, Linda S.; Kaufman, Jay S.; & Gordon-Larsen, Penny (2009). Obesity, Race/Ethnicity and the Multiple Dimensions of Socioeconomic Status during the Transition to Adulthood: A Factor Analysis Approach. Social Science & Medicine, 68(4), 708-716. PMCID: PMC2755235