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Displaying 10 of 232 matching citations.

Russell, Stephen T. & Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1997). Academic Success in Rural America: Family Background and Community Integration. Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research, 4(2), 169-181.

Shanahan, Michael J. & Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1997). Nested Comparisons in the Study of Human Development: Linking Social Change and Individual Adaptation.. Tudge, Jonathan; Shanahan, Michael J.; & Valsiner, Jaan (Eds.) (pp. 109-136). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Shanahan, Michael J.; Elder, Glen H., Jr.; & Miech, Richard A. (1997). History and Agency in Men's Lives: Pathways to Achievement in Cohort Perspective. Sociology of Education, 70(1), 54-67.

Whitbeck, Les B.; Simons, Ronald L.; Conger, Rand D.; Wickrama, Kandauda A. S.; Ackley, Kevin A.; & Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1997). The Effects of Parents' Working Conditions and Family Economic Hardship on Parenting Behaviors and Children's Self-Efficacy. Social Psychology Quarterly, 60(4), 291-303.

Wickrama, Kandauda A. S.; Lorenz, Frederick O.; Conger, Rand D.; & Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1997). Marital Quality and Physical Illness: A Latent Growth Curve Analysis. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 59(1), 143-155.

Wickrama, Kandauda A. S.; Lorenz, Frederick O.; Conger, Rand D.; Matthews, Lisa S.; & Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1997). Linking Occupational Conditions to Physical Health through Marital, Social, and Intrapersonal Processes. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 38(4), 363-375.

Cairns, Robert B.; Elder, Glen H., Jr.; & Costello, E. Jane (1996). Developmental Science. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Clipp, Elizabeth J. Colerick & Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1996). The Aging Veteran of World War II: Psychiatric and Life Course Insights.. Ruskin, Paul E. & Talbott, John A. (Eds.) (pp. 19-51). Washington: American Psychiatric Press.

Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1996). Human Lives in Changing Societies: Life Course and Developmental Insights. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Elder, Glen H., Jr.; George, Linda K.; & Shanahan, Michael J. (1996). Psychosocial Stress over the Life Course.. Kaplan, Howard B. (Ed.) (pp. 247-292). Orlando, Fla.: Academic Press.