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Displaying 10 of 197 matching citations.

Harris, Kathleen Mullan; Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; Haberstick, Brett C.; & Smolen, Andrew (2013). The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) Sibling Pairs Data. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 16(1), 391-398. PMCID: PMC3574787

Harris, Kathleen Mullan; Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; Hussey, Jon M.; Whitsel, Eric A.; Killeya-Jones, Ley A.; Tabor, Joyce W.; Elder, Glen H., Jr.; Hewitt, John K.; Shanahan, Michael J.; & Williams, Redford B., et al. (2013). Social, Behavioral, and Genetic Linkages from Adolescence into Adulthood. American Journal of Public Health, 103(Suppl. 1), S25-32. PMCID: PMC3786750

Kane, Jennifer Buher; Morgan, S. Philip; Harris, Kathleen Mullan; & Guilkey, David K. (2013). The Educational Consequences of Teen Childbearing. Demography, 50(6), 2129-2150. PMCID: PMC3944136

Lee, Hedwig E.; Harris, Kathleen Mullan; & Lee, Joyce M. K. (2013). Multiple Levels of Social Disadvantage and Links to Obesity in Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Journal of School Health, 83(3), 139-149. PMCID: PMC3731140

Boardman, Jason D.; Roettger, Michael E.; Domingue, Benjamin W.; McQueen, Matthew B.; Haberstick, Brett C.; & Harris, Kathleen Mullan (2012). Gene-Environment Interactions Related to Body Mass: School Policies and Social Context as Environmental Moderators. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 24(3), 370-388. PMCID: PMC3518081

Graff, Mariaelisa; North, Kari E.; Mohlke, Karen L.; Lange, Leslie A.; Luo, Jingchun; Harris, Kathleen Mullan; Young, Kristin L.; Richardson, Andrea S.; Lange, Ethan M.; & Gordon-Larsen, Penny (2012). Estimation of Genetic Effects on BMI during Adolescence in an Ethnically Diverse Cohort: The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Nutrition & Diabetes, 2, e47. PMCID: PMC3461356

Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; Whitsel, Eric A.; Wagner, Brandon; & Harris, Kathleen Mullan (2012). Challenges of Measuring Diurnal Cortisol Concentrations in a Large Population-Based Field Study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(4), 499-508. PMCID: PMC3245839

Harris, Kathleen Mullan & Lee, Hedwig E. (2012). Pathways of Social Disadvantage from Adolescence into Adulthood.. Kalil, Ariel; Haskins, Ron; & Chesters, Jenny (Eds.) (pp. 168-207). Washington: Brookings Institution Press.

Brummett, Beverly H.; Babyak, Michael A.; Siegler, Ilene C.; Shanahan, Michael J.; Harris, Kathleen Mullan; Elder, Glen H., Jr.; & Williams, Redford B. (2011). Systolic Blood Pressure, Socioeconomic Status, and Biobehavioral Risk Factors in a Nationally Representative US Young Adult Sample. Hypertension, 58(2), 161-166. PMCID: PMC3160108

Lee, Hedwig E.; Lee, Dohoon; Guo, Guang; & Harris, Kathleen Mullan (2011). Trends in Body Mass Index in Adolescence and Young Adulthood in the United States: 1959–2002. Journal of Adolescent Health, 49(6), 601-608. PMCID: PMC3228354