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Displaying 10 of 232 matching citations.

Beyond "Children of the Great Depression" (1999).. Elder, Glen H., Jr. (Ed.) (pp. 301-343). Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.

Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1999). Children of the Great Depression: Social Change in Life Experience. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.

Elder, Glen H., Jr. & Ardelt, Monika (1999). Family Influences and Adolescents' Lives.. Furstenberg, Frank F., Jr.; Cook, Thomas D.; Eccles, Jacquelynne; Elder, Glen H., Jr.; & Sameroff, Arnold (Eds.) (pp. 120-144). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Elder, Glen H., Jr. & Chan, Christopher G. (1999). War's Legacy in Men's Lives.. Moen, Phyllis; Dempster-McClain, Donna; & Walker, Henry A. (Eds.) (pp. 209-227). Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.

Furstenberg, Frank F., Jr.; Cook, Thomas D.; Eccles, Jacquelynne; Elder, Glen H., Jr.; & Sameroff, Arnold (1999). Managing to Make It: Urban Families and Adolescent Success. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

King, Valarie & Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1999). Are Religious Grandparents More Involved Grandparents?. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 54(6), S317-328.

Wickrama, Kandauda A. S.; Conger, Rand D.; Wallace, Lora Ebert; & Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1999). The Intergenerational Transmission of Health-Risk Behaviors: Adolescent Lifestyles and Gender Moderating Effects. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 40(3), 258-272.

Clipp, Elizabeth J. Colerick; Elder, Glen H., Jr.; George, Linda K.; & Pieper, Carl F. (1998). Trajectories of Health in Aging Populations.. Gesler, Wilbert M.; Rabiner, Donna J.; & DeFriese, Gordon H. (Eds.) (pp. 177-198). Amityville, N.Y.: Baywood Publishing Co..

Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1998). Life Course Theory and Human Development. Sociological Analysis, 1(2), 1-12.

Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1998). The Life Course and Human Development.. Lerner, Richard M. (Ed.) (pp. 939-991). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc..