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Displaying 10 of 12682 matching citations.

Kahn, Joan R.; Rindfuss, Ronald R.; & Guilkey, David K. (1990). Adolescent Contraceptive Method Choices. Demography, 27(3), 323-335.

Kalleberg, Arne L. (1990). Research in Social Stratification and Mobility: A Research Annual, 1990. Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press.

Kalleberg, Arne L. & Colbjørnsen, Tom (1990). Unions and the Structure of Earnings Inequality: Cross-National Patterns. Social Science Research, 19(4), 348-371.

Kalleberg, Arne L.; Marsden, Peter V.; Aldrich, Howard E.; & Cassell, James W. (1990). Comparing Organizational Sampling Frames. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(4), 658-688.

Kalleberg, Arne L. & Rosenfeld, Rachel A. (1990). Work in the Family and in the Labor Market: A Cross-National Reciprocal Analysis. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 52(2), 331-346.

Kalsbeek, William D.; Bowling, J. Michael; & Jolly, David H. (1990). Knowledge and Attitudes about AIDS among North Carolina Adults. CHES Studies, 54, 1-3.

Katz, Vern L.; Thorp, John M., Jr.; & Bowes, Watson A., Jr. (1990). Severe Symmetric Intrauterine Growth Retardation Associated with the Topical Use of Triamcinolone. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 162(2), 396-397.

Katz, Vern L.; Thorp, John M., Jr.; & Cefalo, Robert C. (1990). Epidural Analgesia and Autonomic Hyperreflexia: A Case Report. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 162(2), 471-472.

Katz, Vern L.; Thorp, John M., Jr.; Rozas, Lynda; & Bowes, Watson A., Jr. (1990). The Natural History of Thrombocytopenia Associated with Preeclampsia. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 163(4 Pt. 1), 1142-1143.

Katz, Vern L.; Thorp, John M., Jr.; Watson, William J.; Fowler, Larry; & Heine, R. Phillip (1990). Human Immunoglobulin Therapy for Preeclampsia Associated with Lupus Anticoagulant and Anticardiolipin Antibody. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 76(5 Pt. 2), 986-988.