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Displaying 10 of 12682 matching citations.

Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne; Phelps, Erin; & Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1991). Studying Lives through Time: Secondary Data Analyses in Developmental Psychology. Developmental Psychology, 27(6), 899-910.

Brown, Jane D. & Newcomer, Susan Foster (1991). Influences of Television and Peers on Adolescents' Sexual Behavior. Journal of Homosexuality, 21(1), 77-91.

Brown, Jane D. & Newcomer, Susan Foster (1991). Television Viewing and Adolescents' Sexual Behavior.. Wolf, M. A. & Kielwasser, A. P. (Eds.) (pp. 77-92). New York: Haworth.

Buescher, Paul A.; Peoples-Sheps, Mary D.; Guild, Priscilla A.; & Siegel, Earl (1991). Problems in Estimating the Number of Women in Need of Subsidized Prenatal Care. Public Health Reports, 106, 333-338. PMCID: PMC1580237

Chen, Renbao & Morgan, S. Philip (1991). Recent Trends in the Timing of First Births in the United States. Demography, 28(4), 513-533.

Conger, Rand D.; Lorenz, Frederick O.; Elder, Glen H., Jr.; Melby, Janet N.; Simons, Ronald L.; & Conger, Katherine Jewsbury (1991). A Process Model of Family Economic Pressure and Early Adolescent Alcohol Use. Journal of Early Adolescence, 11(4), 430-449.

Cooney, Teresa M. & Uhlenberg, Peter (1991). Changes in Work-Family Connections among Highly Educated Men and Women, 1970 to 1980. Journal of Family Issues, 12(1), 69-90.

Curran, Sara R. & Tomaskovic-Devey, Donald (1991). Uneven Development in North Carolina? Job Quality Differences between Local and Nonlocal Firms. Rural Sociology, 56(4), 680-698.

Curtis, Siân L. & McDonald, John W. (1991). Birth Spacing and Infant Mortality in Brazil. Journal of Biosocial Science, 23, 343-352.

Dechter, Aimée R. & Preston, Samuel H. (1991). Age Misreporting and Its Effects on Adult Mortality Estimates in Latin America. Population Bulletin of the United Nations, 31/32, 1-16.