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Displaying 10 of 169 matching citations.

Hirsch, Jennifer Sue; Higgins, Jennifer; Bentley, Margaret E.; & Nathanson, Constance A. (2006). The Social Constructions of Sexuality: Companionate Marriage and STD/HIV Risk in a Mexican Migrant Community.. Hirsch, Jennifer Sue & Wardlow, Holly (Eds.) (pp. 95-117). Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press.

Panchanadeswaran, Subadra; Johnson, Sethulakshmi C.; Mayer, Kenneth H.; Srikrishnan, Aylur K.; Sivaram, Sudha; Zelaya, Carla E.; Go, Vivian F.; Solomon, Suniti; Bentley, Margaret E.; & Celentano, David D. (2006). Gender Differences in the Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections and Genital Symptoms in an Urban Setting in Southern India. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 82(6), 491-495. PMCID: PMC2563883

Piwoz, Ellen G.; Ferguson, Yvonne Owens; Bentley, Margaret E.; Corneli, Amy L.; Moses, Agnes; Nkhoma, Jacqueline R.; Tohill, Beth Carlton; Mtimuni, Beatrice; Ahmed, Yusuf; & Jamieson, Denise J., et al. (2006). Differences between International Recommendations on Breastfeeding in the Presence of HIV and the Attitudes and Counselling Messages of Health Workers in Lilongwe, Malawi. International Breastfeeding Journal, 1(1), 2. PMCID: PMC1436018

Thrasher, James F. & Bentley, Margaret E. (2006). The Meanings and Context of Smoking among Mexican University Students. Public Health Reports, 121(5), 578-585. PMCID: PMC1564456

Tolley, Elizabeth E.; Eng, Eugenia; Kohli, Rewa; Bentley, Margaret E.; Mehendale, Sanjay M.; Bunce, Arwen; & Severy, Lawrence J. (2006). Examining the Context of Microbicide Acceptability among Married Women and Men in India. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 8(4), 351-369.

Bentley, Margaret E.; Corneli, Amy L.; Piwoz, Ellen G.; Moses, Agnes; Nkhoma, Jacqueline R.; Tohill, Beth Carlton; Ahmed, Yusuf; Adair, Linda S.; Jamieson, Denise J.; & van der Horst, Charles M. (2005). Perceptions of the Role of Maternal Nutrition in HIV-Positive Breast-Feeding Women in Malawi. Journal of Nutrition, 135(4), 945-949.

Doak, Colleen M.; Adair, Linda S.; Bentley, Margaret E.; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto; & Popkin, Barry M. (2005). The Dual Burden Household and the Nutrition Transition Paradox. International Journal of Obesity, 29(1), 129-136.

Griffiths, Paula L. & Bentley, Margaret E. (2005). Women of Higher Socio-Economic Status Are More Likely to Be Overweight in Karnataka, India. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59(10), 1217-1220.

Jasti, Sunitha; Siega-Riz, Anna Maria; Cogswell, Mary E.; Hartzema, Abraham G.; & Bentley, Margaret E. (2005). Pill Count Adherence to Prenatal Multivitamin/Mineral Supplement Use among Low-Income Women. Journal of Nutrition, 135(5), 1093-1101.

Piwoz, Ellen G. & Bentley, Margaret E. (2005). Women’s Voices, Women’s Choices: The Challenge of Nutrition and HIV/AIDS. Journal of Nutrition, 135(4), 933-937.