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Displaying 10 of 186 matching citations.

Winston, Jennifer Jane; Meyer, Robert E.; & Emch, Michael E. (2014). Geographic Analysis of Individual and Environmental Risk Factors for Hypospadias Births. Birth Defects Research, Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology, 100(11), 887-894. PMCID: PMC4245315

Wu, Jianyong; Yunus, Mohammad; Streatfield, Peter Kim; & Emch, Michael E. (2014). Association of Climate Variability and Childhood Diarrhoeal Disease in Rural Bangladesh, 2000-2006. Epidemiology & Infection, 142(9), 1859-1868. PMCID: PMC6698384

Ali, Mohammad; Kim, Deok Ryun; Yunus, Mohammad; & Emch, Michael E. (2013). Time Series Analysis of Cholera in Matlab, Bangladesh, during 1988-2001. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 31(1), 11-19. PMCID: PMC3702354

Bien, Cedric H.; Cai, Yong; Emch, Michael E.; Parish, William L.; & Tucker, Joseph D. (2013). High Adult Sex Ratios and Risky Sexual Behaviors: A Systematic Review. PLOS ONE, 8(8), e71580. PMCID: PMC3742505

Bowman, Natalie M.; Congdon, Seth; Mvalo, Tisungane; Patel, Jaymin C.; Escamilla, Veronica; Emch, Michael E.; Martinson, Francis E. A.; Hoffman, Irving F.; Meshnick, Steven R.; & Juliano, Jonathan J. (2013). Comparative Population Structure of Plasmodium falciparum Circumsporozoite Protein NANP Repeat Lengths in Lilongwe, Malawi. Scientific Reports, 3, 1990. PMCID: PMC3683670

Carrel, Margaret A. & Emch, Michael E. (2013). Genetics: A New Landscape for Medical Geography. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(6), 1452-1467. PMCID: PMC3928082

Dahly, Darren L.; Gordon-Larsen, Penny; Emch, Michael E.; Borja, Judith B.; & Adair, Linda S. (2013). The Spatial Distribution of Overweight and Obesity among a Birth Cohort of Young Adult Filipinos (Cebu Philippines, 2005): An Application of the Kulldorff Spatial Scan Statistic. Nutrition & Diabetes, 3, e80. PMCID: PMC3730219

Escamilla, Veronica; Knappett, Peter S. K.; Yunus, Mohammad; Streatfield, Peter Kim; & Emch, Michael E. (2013). Influence of Latrine Proximity and Type on Tubewell Water Quality and Diarrheal Disease in Bangladesh. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(2), 299-308.

Messina, Jane P.; Mwandagalirwa, Melchior Kashamuka; Taylor, Steven M.; Emch, Michael E.; & Meshnick, Steven R. (2013). Spatial and Social Factors Drive Anemia in Congolese Women. Health & Place, 24, 54-64. PMCID: PMC4801186

Perez-Heydrich, Carolina; Furgurson, Jill M.; Giebultowicz, Sophia; Winston, Jennifer Jane; Yunus, Mohammad; Streatfield, Peter Kim; & Emch, Michael E. (2013). Social and Spatial Processes Associated with Childhood Diarrheal Disease in Matlab, Bangladesh. Health & Place, 19, 45-52. PMCID: PMC3537872