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North, Kari E.; Franceschini, Nora; Avery, Christy L.; Baird, Lisa; Graff, Mariaelisa; Leppert, Mark F.; Chung, Jay H.; Zhang, Jinghui; Hanis, Craig L.; & Boerwinkle, Eric A., et al. (2010). Variation in the Checkpoint Kinase 2 Gene Is Associated with Type 2 Diabetes in Multiple Populations. Acta Diabetologica, 47(Suppl. 1), 199-207. PMCID: PMC2965317


Identification and characterization of the genetic variants underlying type 2 diabetes susceptibility can provide important understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. We previously identified strong evidence of linkage for type 2 diabetes on chromosome 22 among 3,383 Hypertension Genetic Epidemiology Network (HyperGEN) participants from 1,124 families. The


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Acta Diabetologica


North, Kari E.
Franceschini, Nora
Avery, Christy L.
Baird, Lisa
Graff, Mariaelisa
Leppert, Mark F.
Chung, Jay H.
Zhang, Jinghui
Hanis, Craig L.
Boerwinkle, Eric A.
Volcik, Kelly A.
Grove, Megan L.
Mosley, Thomas H., Jr.
Gu, C. Charles
Heiss, Gerardo M.
Pankow, James S.
Couper, David J.
Ballantyne, Christie M.
Kao, Wen Hong Linda
Weder, Alan B.
Cooper, Richard S.
Ehret, Georg B.
O'Connor, Ashley A.
Chakravarti, Aravinda
Hunt, Steven C.




Avery - 0000-0002-1044-8162
Graff - 0000-0001-6380-1735