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Guilkey, David K. & Jayne, Susan H. (1997). Fertility Transition in Zimbabwe: Determinants of Contraceptive Use and Method Choice. Population Studies, 51(2), 173-189.


Zimbabwe has the highest rate of contraceptive use in continental sub-Saharan Africa except for South Africa. Some of the factors that may be associated with this achievement are high levels of education, relatively low levels of infant and child mortality, and a well-designed and well-managed family planning programme. These favourable circumstances play themselves out in part through affecting the motivation to restrict fertility and in part through the propensity to use contraception among those who wish to restrict fertility. One characteristic of the motivation to restrict fertility, which is similar to that in most African countries, is that, compared with other regions of the world, more people desire to postpone the next birth than to limit family size. The Zimbabwe programme has been well-designed to capitalize on this characteristic, but is not as well suited, perhaps, to promote the use of contraception among those who want no more children.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Population Studies


Guilkey, David K.
Jayne, Susan H.