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Clipp, Elizabeth J. Colerick; Pavalko, Eliza K.; & Elder, Glen H., Jr. (1992). Trajectories of Health: In Concept and Empirical Pattern. Behavior, Health, and Aging, 2(3), 159-179.


Based on original surveys by L. M. Terman (1925), health histories of 857 men were recast to identify broad patterns of stability and change in health between 1940 and 1986. Qualitative data analysis was used to describe trajectories characteristic of most individuals, and quantitative analysis was used to differentiate these patterns using individual and medical characteristics. The value of this approach to measure health longitudinally involves a focus on the sequence of health transitions in lives by providing methodological and substantive insights regarding physical and emotional processes.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Behavior, Health, and Aging


Clipp, Elizabeth J. Colerick
Pavalko, Eliza K.
Elder, Glen H., Jr.