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Hummer, Robert A. (2005). Income, Race, and Infant Mortality: Comment on Stockwell et al.. Population Research and Policy Review, 24(4), 405-409.


The significance of Edward G. Stockwell et al. (2005) study of the relationship between infant mortality & economic status is considered. The central findings of Stockwell et al. study are reported, eg, discrepancies between the infant mortality rates of different income groups have increased substantially since the early 1960s. The ramifications of this study are subsequently contemplated: (1) socioeconomic disparity may be an underlying cause of health differences in US society; (2) despite the influence of race upon infant mortality rates, socioeconomic differences may be a stronger influence upon infant mortality rates; (3) inequalities in the health care available to different racial groups must be remedied; & (4) conventional descriptive & demographic methods remain important social scientific tools. References.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Population Research and Policy Review


Hummer, Robert A.


Hummer - 0000-0003-3058-6383