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Halpern, Carolyn Tucker; Harris, Kathleen Mullan; & Whitsel, Eric A. (2014). Studying Family Transitions from a Systems Perspective: The Role of Biomarkers.. McHale, Susan M.; Amato, Paul R.; & Booth, Alan (Eds.) (pp. 127-144). London: Springer.


Family processes—and the individual developmental transitions embedded within them—reflect complex interactions among multilevel factors including genetic, hormonal, and neural influences; higher-level cognitive, experiential, and behavioral processes; as well as the physical, social, and cultural environments in which they operate. Family influence and process are by definition, partly biological. Genetic endowments and the shared environment of the family confer both sensitivities and vulnerabilities to family members, as well as developmental opportunities to foster resilience. To understand the complex intersections of these diverse factors, a multilevel dynamic systems approach is needed. By multilevel, we do not intend a statistical definition but rather a conceptualization that encompasses the broad range of factors noted above and their coactional contributions to biological and social processes (Gottlieb and Halpern 2002). Here, we discuss biological factors as contributors to the family system and biomarker collection in large scale studies framed through our experiences in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). We illustrate field, laboratory, and data dissemination challenges for a selection of common biomarkers, leading to best practice recommendations. We also present illustrative findings from research integrating biomarker, social and behavioral data that provide novel insights into social and behavioral phenomena. Finally, we offer a rationale for incorporating biomarkers into social science research, despite the challenges, and highlight future possibilities for expanded multilevel research capitalizing on intergenerational study designs.


Reference Type

Book Section

Year Published


Series Title

National Symposium on Family Issues


Halpern, Carolyn Tucker
Harris, Kathleen Mullan
Whitsel, Eric A.


Harris, KM - 0000-0001-9757-1026