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Oberlander, Jonathan & Perreira, Krista M. (2012). Navigating Healthcare Reform: A Role for 2-1-1. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 43(6, Suppl. 5), S506-508.


This is a period of remarkable change and uncertainty in American healthcare policy. In 2010, Congress enacted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), the most important health reform legislation since the 1965 law creating Medicare and Medicaid. Yet more than 2 years since the ACA's passage, its fate remains unclear. Although a June 2012 Supreme Court ruling upheld the law's constitutionality, it raised new questions about the ACA's Medicaid expansion. Meanwhile, political battles over reform rage on. Depending on the 2012 elections—the outcome was not known at this writing—much of the law could still be repealed.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

American Journal of Preventive Medicine


Oberlander, Jonathan
Perreira, Krista M.


Perreira - 0000-0003-2906-0261