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Mayor, Angel M.; Fernandez, Diana M.; Colon, Hector M.; Thomas, James C.; & Hunter-Mellado, Robert F. (2008). The Feasibility and Acceptability of a Multimedia Hepatitis C Prevention Program for Hispanic HIV-Infected Persons. Ethnicity & Disease, 18(Suppl. 2), 195-199. PMCID: PMC3553598


Introduction: Hepatitis C (HCV) and HIV coinfection has emerged as a major health problem in Puerto Rico, particularly among injection drug users (IDUs). We developed and implemented a multimedia educational intervention for HIV-infected IDUs, based on the Health Belief Model and social cognitive theory.
Methods: To evaluate the program’s acceptability, a group of 42 participants completed a written questionnaire immediately after each intervention component.
Results: Participants were 85% male, the mean age was 41.6 years (standard deviation 9.2 years), and mean educational level was ninth grade. More than 73% of respondents reported that the computer-based program was very easy to operate. More than 83% agreed that the audio and video tools highly facilitated their learning process, and .71% agreed that the sessions were long enough. Additionally, they reported a high incremental increase in perceived knowledge regarding HIV/HCV co-infection, HCV infection risk behaviors, HCV complications, HCV preventive measures, and HCV diagnosis and therapy. Most of the participants favored the dissemination of this intervention.
Conclusions: The study found a very good acceptability and feasibility of the computerized intervention in the study group. This new technology that includes audiovisual tools in its design kept the participants’ attention and interest, while increasing HIV/HCV co-infection knowledge. Subsequent studies will evaluate the efficacy of this intervention, investigating changes in knowledge and risk behaviors among HIV-infected persons.

Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Ethnicity & Disease


Mayor, Angel M.
Fernandez, Diana M.
Colon, Hector M.
Thomas, James C.
Hunter-Mellado, Robert F.




Thomas, JC - 0000-0002-2225-2052