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Popkin, Barry M.; Du, Shufa; Zhai, Fengying; & Zhang, Bing (2010). Cohort Profile: The China Health and Nutrition Survey--Monitoring and Understanding Socio-Economic and Health Change in China, 1989-2011. International Journal of Epidemiology, 39(6), 1435-1440. PMCID: PMC2992625


This study began with the desire of the University of North Carolina (UNC), Chapel Hill (CH) Principal Investigator (PI) to be able to examine across space and time the ways economic and social change affected a range of health behaviours in a large country. China was selected because of its unique opening up of its economic and social system. In 1986 no longitudinal surveys existed in China and all surveys were either very narrow health, economic or demographic surveys. Furthermore, no raw data from any survey had been allowed out of the country. Since China's reform and open policy, the country was being transformed from one facing famine and extreme food shortages to one where the food supply addressed basic needs and the initial states of a major transformation of the food distribution and marketing system was occurring. With this as background, two UNC faculty members, Barry Popkin and Gail Henderson, a China scholar, began the process in 1986 of meeting a range of University and government officials to discuss this work.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

International Journal of Epidemiology


Popkin, Barry M.
Du, Shufa
Zhai, Fengying
Zhang, Bing




Popkin - 0000-0001-9495-9324
Du - 0000-0003-1156-0866