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MacPhail, Catherine Lorne; Pettifor, Audrey E.; & Rees, Helen V. (2007). Contexts of Risk: HIV/AIDS among Young People in Africa and Prevention Opportunities. Africa Insight, 37(3), 473-492.


Young people in Africa are among the most affected by the HIV epidemic. This is especially true for young women. This article examines literature highlighting the social vulnerabilities of young people. In particular, the following is focused on: the social constructions of gendered sexuality; knowledge and communication about HIV; gendered power relations and violence; poverty and the influence of transactional sex; the role of peer networks and family; and the lack of perceived HIV risk amongst youth together with low levels of knowledge about their HIV status. The article also explores some ideas and future possibilities for HIV prevention and management among young people in Africa.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Africa Insight


MacPhail, Catherine Lorne
Pettifor, Audrey E.
Rees, Helen V.


Pettifor - 0000-0002-3387-0817