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Hipp, John R.; Bauer, Daniel J.; & Bollen, Kenneth A. (2005). Conducting Tetrad Tests of Model Fit and Contrasts of Tetrad-Nested Models: A New SAS Macro. Structural Equation Modeling, 12(1), 76-93.


This article describes a SAS macro to assess model fit of structural equation models by employing a test of the model-implied vanishing tetrads. Use of this test has been limited in the past, in part due to the lack of software that fully automates the test in a user-friendly way. The current SAS macro provides a straightforward method for researchers to use the vanishing tetrads implied by models to assess the fit of (a) structural equation models containing continuous endogenous variables; (b) structural equation models containing continuous endogenous variables nested for vanishing tetrads; and (c) structural equation models containing dichotomous, ordinal, or censored endogenous variables. Besides providing an alternative assessment of model fit to the usual likelihood-ratio test (LRT), the vanishing tetrads test occasionally provides a statistical assessment of competing models nested for vanishing tetrads but not nested for the LRT. The macro permits formal comparisons between tetrad-nested structural equation models containing dichotomous, ordinal, or censored endogenous variables.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Structural Equation Modeling


Hipp, John R.
Bauer, Daniel J.
Bollen, Kenneth A.


Bollen - 0000-0002-6710-3800