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Wickrama, Kandauda A. S.; Conger, Rand D.; Wallace, Lora Ebert; & Elder, Glen H., Jr. (2003). Linking Early Social Risks to Impaired Physical Health during the Transition to Adulthood. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 44(1), 61-74.


The present longitudinal study of 485 youth used structural equation models to investigate the ways in which a combination of social disadvantage in the family of origin and adolescent maladjustment increases risk for physical health difficulties during adulthood. The study examined a theoretical model that proposes that disruptions in the transition to adulthood mediate the effect of earlier social disadvantage and adolescent maladjustment on young adult physical health status. Results show that early risk factors initiate a sequence of negative influences on young adult physical health through early entry into family responsibility, truncated educational attainment, and poor occupational and economic status. These associations prevailed even after controlling for physical health status during adolescence.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Journal of Health and Social Behavior


Wickrama, Kandauda A. S.
Conger, Rand D.
Wallace, Lora Ebert
Elder, Glen H., Jr.