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Kalleberg, Arne L. & Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs (2001). Introduction: Temporal Dimensions of Employment Relations. American Behavioral Scientist, 44(7), 1064-1075.


The issue of time has historically been an important theme in studies of work and its relationship to institutions such as the family, the stratification system, and the economy. Social scientists have long recognized that control over the use of time underlies the organization of production practices and power relations in the work place (see the reviews in Blyton, Hassard, Hill, & Starkey, 1989; and Hassard 1990). The realization that time is a potentially valuable resource (Benjamin Franklin long ago noted that time is money) led managers to maximize the amount of work expected of their employees in a given unit of time by means of the scientific management of work procedures and the design of work organizations to elicit as much labor as possible for given units of labor power. Workers have often resisted this, and questions about who controls the amount of time workers spend at work have been central to labor-management struggles concerning the definition of the length of the work day.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

American Behavioral Scientist


Kalleberg, Arne L.
Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs


Kalleberg - 0000-0002-1590-7583