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Polston, Patsy M.; Matthews, Derrick D.; Golden, Shelley D.; Golin, Carol E.; Hall, Marissa G.; Saint-Phard, Emmanuel; & Lightfoot, Alexandra F. (2023). Institutional Reform to Promote Antiracism: A Tool for Developing an Organizational Equity Action and Accountability Plan. Preventing Chronic Disease, 20, E50. PMCID: PMC10275327


Racism is a public health problem. Systems, structures, policies, and practices perpetuate a culture built on racism. Institutional reform is needed to promote antiracism. This article describes 1) a tool used to develop an equity action and accountability plan (EAAP) that promotes antiracism in the Department of Health Behavior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Gillings School of Global Public Health, 2) strategies that were developed, and 3) short-term outcomes and lessons learned. A study coordinator, not affiliated with the Department of Health Behavior, was hired to collect qualitative data that documented the lived experiences of students and alumni of color (ie, racial and ethnic minority students) over time in the department. Seeking action from faculty and departmental leadership, students engaged in collective organizing covered the department chair's office door with notes describing microaggressions, and visited faculty one-on-one to demand action. In response, 6 faculty members volunteered to form the Equity Task Force (ETF) to explicitly address students' concerns. The ETF identified priority areas for action based on 2 student-led reports, gathered resources from other institutions and the public health literature, and examined departmental policies and procedures. The ETF drafted the EAAP, solicited feedback, and revised it according to 6 priority strategies with actionable steps: 1) transform culture and climate, 2) enhance teaching, mentoring, and training, 3) revisit performance and evaluation of faculty and staff, 4) strengthen recruitment and retention of faculty of color, 5) increase transparency in student hiring practices and financial resources, and 6) improve equity-oriented research practices. This planning tool and process can be used by other institutions to achieve antiracist reform.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Preventing Chronic Disease


Polston, Patsy M.
Matthews, Derrick D.
Golden, Shelley D.
Golin, Carol E.
Hall, Marissa G.
Saint-Phard, Emmanuel
Lightfoot, Alexandra F.

Article Type





Hall - 0000-0002-8690-9498