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Sanner, Caroline & Jensen, Todd M. (2021). Toward More Accurate Measures of Family Structure: Accounting for Sibling Complexity. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 13(1), 110-127.


In this article, we argue that accounting for sibling complexity is a necessary step toward more accurate assessments of family structure. First, we argue that current conceptualizations of family structure are rooted in (and reinforce) Eurocentric definitions of family, and we highlight contradictions between family theory and measurements of family structure. Second, we discuss the prevalence of diverse sibling compositions in families and show the informative value of accounting for sibling complexity. Third, we explore the barriers to accounting for sibling structure by evaluating the extent to which complex sibling compositions are captured in publicly available secondary datasets recently used to study families. Finally, we consider both theoretical and methodological implications of failing to account for sibling complexity in family research and offer recommendations for future data collection efforts.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Journal of Family Theory and Review


Sanner, Caroline
Jensen, Todd M.

Article Type



Jensen T - 0000-0002-6930-899X