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Boo, Gianluca; Darin, Edith; Leasure, Douglas R.; Dooley, Claire A.; Chamberlain, Heather R.; Lázár, Attila N.; Tschirhart, Kevin; Sinai, Cyrus; Hoff, Nicole A.; & Fuller, Trevon, et al. (2022). High-Resolution Population Estimation Using Household Survey Data and Building Footprints. Nature Communications, 13(1), 1330. PMCID: PMC8921279


The national census is an essential data source to support decision-making in many areas of public interest. However, this data may become outdated during the intercensal period, which can stretch up to several decades. In this study, we develop a Bayesian hierarchical model leveraging recent household surveys and building footprints to produce up-to-date population estimates. We estimate population totals and age and sex breakdowns with associated uncertainty measures within grid cells of approximately 100 m in five provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a country where the last census was completed in 1984. The model exhibits a very good fit, with an R(2) value of 0.79 for out-of-sample predictions of population totals at the microcensus-cluster level and 1.00 for age and sex proportions at the province level. This work confirms the benefits of combining household surveys and building footprints for high-resolution population estimation in countries with outdated censuses.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Nature Communications


Boo, Gianluca
Darin, Edith
Leasure, Douglas R.
Dooley, Claire A.
Chamberlain, Heather R.
Lázár, Attila N.
Tschirhart, Kevin
Sinai, Cyrus
Hoff, Nicole A.
Fuller, Trevon
Musene, Kamy
Batumbo, Arly
Rimoin, Anne W.
Tatem, Andrew J.

Article Type





Democratic Republic of Congo


Sinai - 0000-0003-4585-9575