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Gichane, Margaret W. & Wallace, Deshira D. (2022). Dismantling and Reimagining Global Health Education. Global Health Action, 15(1), 2131967. PMCID: PMC9621231


Global health emerged as a distinct public health discipline within the last two decades. With over 95% of Masters of Global Health degree programmes located in high-income countries (HICs), the area of study has been primarily pursued by White, middle and upperclass, citizens of Europe and North America. In turn, the global health workforce and leadership reflect these same demographics. In this article, we present several key arguments against the current state of global health education: (1) admissions criteria favour HIC applicants; (2) the curriculum is developed with the HIC gaze; (3) student practicums can cause unintended harms in low- and middle-income country communities. We argue that global health education in its current form must be dismantled. We conclude with suggestions for how global health education may be reimagined to shift from a space of privilege and colonial practice to a space that recognises the strengths of experiences and knowledge above and beyond those from HICs.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Global Health Action


Gichane, Margaret W.
Wallace, Deshira D.

Article Type





Wallace - 0000-0003-1300-6957