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Meyer, Katie A.; Memili, Aylin; Jacobs, David R., Jr.; & Gordon-Larsen, Penny (2022). Unraveling Disease Pathways Involving the Gut Microbiota: The Need for Deep Phenotyping and Longitudinal Data. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1(11), 1261-1262.


Diet is a major component for primary prevention of car-diometabolic disease, although much remains unknown about precise pathways through which diet exerts its effects. Dietis intimately connected to the gut microbiota, influencing microbial composition and function through the delivery of nutrients. In addition, the production of many health-related metabolites of dietary components relies, in part, on the gut microbiota (1). The potential for diet, a modifiable behavior, to influence the gut microbiota may have important implications for cardiometabolic health. A large and growing body of animal and human studies support a role for the gut microbiota in cardiometabolic outcomes (2), with particular evidence for inflammation-related pathways (3). Together, there is strong logicin a potential for the gut microbiota to mediate dietary effects on cardiometabolic outcomes. Yet this literature has largely ignored deep adipose phenotyping and consideration of tissue-specific pathways, limiting identification and understanding of potential mechanisms.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


Meyer, Katie A.
Memili, Aylin
Jacobs, David R., Jr.
Gordon-Larsen, Penny

Article Type



Gordon-Larsen - 0000-0001-5322-4188