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Thorp, John M., Jr. (2022). Curb Your Enthusiasm. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 129(5), 681.


Moving a hypothesis from idea to peer reviewed publication is a daunting task. One not only has to have a thorough knowledge base and a creative curiosity, but has to navigate multiple monolithic bureaucracies such as the funding source, institutional review board, health system, clinic or hospital unit culture, and the editorial process. Without a full tank of enthusiasm and confidence the prospective author will run out of gas along the way and decide there are easier and more pleasant ways to invest her time and effort. When the paper is written, her ardour for the topic and her work come through in every sentence. It is like a parent with a newborn and given the investment and affection it took to get through pregnancy and childbirth that neonate in the parents' eyes is the most beautiful baby in the world.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology


Thorp, John M., Jr.

Article Type



Thorp - 0000-0002-9307-6690