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Wang, Huan; Dill, Sarah-Eve; Zhou, Huan; Ma, Yue; Xue, Hao; Loyalka, Prashant; Sylvia, Sean; Boswell, Matthew; Lin, Jason; & Rozelle, Scott (2022). Off the COVID-19 Epicentre: The Impact of Quarantine Controls on Employment, Education and Health in China's Rural Communities. The China Quarterly, 249, 1-27.


This study documents the COVID-19 disease-control measures enacted in rural China and examines the economic and social impacts of these measures. We conducted two rounds of surveys with 726 randomly selected village informants across seven provinces. Strict disease-control measures have been universally enforced and appear to have been successful in limiting disease transmission in rural communities. The infection rate in our sample was 0.001 per cent, a rate that is near the national average outside of Hubei province. None of the villages reported any COVID-19-related deaths. For a full month during the quarantine, the rate of employment of rural workers was essentially zero. Even after the quarantine measures were lifted, nearly 70 per cent of the villagers still were unable to work owing to workplace closures. Although action has been taken to mitigate the potential negative effects, these disease-control measures might have accelerated the inequality between rural and urban households in China.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

The China Quarterly


Wang, Huan
Dill, Sarah-Eve
Zhou, Huan
Ma, Yue
Xue, Hao
Loyalka, Prashant
Sylvia, Sean
Boswell, Matthew
Lin, Jason
Rozelle, Scott

Article Type





Sylvia - 0000-0002-9508-247X