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Pedraza, Lilia S.; Batis, Carolina R.; Adair, Linda S.; Robinson, Whitney R.; Guilkey, David K.; Popkin, Barry M.; & Taillie, Lindsey Smith (2019). The Caloric and Sugar Content of Beverages Purchased at Different Store-Types Changed after the Sugary Drinks Taxation in Mexico. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 16, 103. PMCID: PMC6849184


Background: Following the 2014 sugary drinks tax implementation in Mexico, promising reduction in the volume of purchases of taxed beverages were observed overall and at different store-types. However, the tax’s effects on purchasing patterns of calories and sugar remain unclear.
Methods: Using longitudinal data from Mexican households (n = 7038), we examined changes in volume, calories and total sugar of packaged beverages purchased from 2012 to 2016 overall and by store-type. We used fixed effects models to estimate means for volume, calories, and sugar of households. To address the potential selectivity from households shopping at different stores, we calculated inverse probability weights to model the purchases changes over time by store-type.
Results: For taxed beverages, the volume of purchases declined by


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity


Pedraza, Lilia S.
Batis, Carolina R.
Adair, Linda S.
Robinson, Whitney R.
Guilkey, David K.
Popkin, Barry M.
Taillie, Lindsey Smith




Robinson, W - 0000-0003-4009-0488