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Benson, Aimee M.; Calhoun, Lisa M.; Corroon, Meghan; Lance, Peter M.; O'Hara, Rick; Otsola, John K.; Speizer, Ilene S.; & Winston, Jennifer Jane (2017). Longitudinal Evaluation of the Tupange Urban Family Planning Program in Kenya. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 43(2), 75-87. PMCID: PMC5897119


CONTEXT: Levels of fertility and contraceptive use have long fluctuated in Kenya. The multicomponent Tupange program, part of the Urban Reproductive Health Initiative, was initiated in 2011 to increase use of modern family planning methods.
METHODS: Women aged 15–49 in the five Kenyan cities where Tupange was implemented were interviewed in 2010 and reinterviewed in 2014 to obtain information on their contraceptive use and exposure to components of the Tupange program. Fixed-effects models were estimated to identify associations between program exposure and use of modern family planning methods. Analyses were performed to determine the relative cost-effectiveness of program components.
RESULTS: During the four-year follow-up period, the proportion of women using modern contraceptives increased from 45% to 52%, and the proportion of users who were using long-acting or permanent methods rose from 6% to 19%. The fixed-effects model indicated that modern method use was associated with having heard Tupange-related local radio programming and marginally associated with having discussed family planning with a community health worker (CHW); among women who were unmarried or did not give birth during the study period, modern method use was associated with living near program facilities. Local radio programming was the most cost-effective program component, followed by proximity to Tupange facilities and discussions with CHWs.
CONCLUSIONS: Urban reproductive health programs seeking to increase use of modern family planning methods in Kenya and other Sub-Saharan African settings should consider multicomponent approaches that include CHW activities, local radio programming and improvements to the supply environment.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health


Benson, Aimee M.
Calhoun, Lisa M.
Corroon, Meghan
Lance, Peter M.
O'Hara, Rick
Otsola, John K.
Speizer, Ilene S.
Winston, Jennifer Jane




Speizer - 0000-0001-6204-1316
Calhoun - 000-0002-3499-9372