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Hummer, Robert A. (2017). Foreword.. Hoque, M. Nazrul; Pecotte, Beverly; & McGehee, Mary A. (Eds.) (pp. v-vii). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


We are living in an extraordinary political, economic, social, and demographic context in the twenty-first century United States. And that context is having and will continue to have tremendous implications for the country's health and longevity. Politically, Donald J. Trump has acquired the necessary support to become the nominee of the Republican Party for the 2016 presidential election. Trump's boastful claims of business success and wealth, disparaging sound bites regarding his rivals, bizarre views on foreign policy, and xenophobic and misogynic comments about racial/ethnic minority groups and women, respectively, have seemingly helped him gain momentum throughout the political primary season and brought him to the precipice of becoming perhaps the most powerful person on the planet.


Reference Type

Book Section

Year Published


Series Title

Applied Demography Series


Hummer, Robert A.


Hummer - 0000-0003-3058-6383