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Popkin, Barry M.; Baturin, Alexander Koustantinovich; Kohlmeier, Lenore; & Zohoori, Namvar (1997). Russia: Monitoring Nutritional Change during the Reform Period.. Wheelock, Verner (Ed.) (pp. 23-46). London: Blackie Academic & Professional.


Addressing the complexities of the relationship of diet to public health, Wheelock (food science, U. of Nottingham, UK) and 48 other global contributors in 25 articles investigate nutritional surveillance (as in transitional Russia), national policies, public sector policy initiatives, industry initiatives in response to government dietary guidelines, and public/ private policy initiatives. Putting recommendations such as reducing fat intake and eating at least five fruits and vegetables daily into practice is the major challenge of these world-wide case studies

Reference Type

Book Section

Year Published



Popkin, Barry M.
Baturin, Alexander Koustantinovich
Kohlmeier, Lenore
Zohoori, Namvar


Popkin - 0000-0001-9495-9324