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Pearce, Lisa D.; Hayward, George M.; & Pearlman, Jessica A. (2017). Measuring Five Dimensions of Religiosity across Adolescence. Review of Religious Research, 59(3), 367-393. PMCID: PMC5602559


This paper theorizes and tests a latent variable model of adolescent religiosity in which five dimensions of religiosity are interrelated: religious beliefs, religious exclusivity, external religiosity, private practice, and religious salience. Research often theorizes overlapping and independent influences of single items or dimensions of religiosity on outcomes such as adolescent sexual behavior, but rarely operationalizes the dimensions in a measurement model accounting for their associations with each other and across time. We use longitudinal structural equation modeling (SEM) with latent variables to analyze data from two waves of the National Study of Youth and Religion. We test our hypothesized measurement model as compared to four alternate measurement models and find that our proposed model maintains superior fit. We then discuss the associations between the five dimensions of religiosity we measure and how these change over time. Our findings suggest how future research might better operationalize multiple dimensions of religiosity in studies of the influence of religion in adolescence.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Review of Religious Research


Pearce, Lisa D.
Hayward, George M.
Pearlman, Jessica A.




Pearce - 0000-0001-6210-863X
Hayward, G. - 0000-0001-7614-5044