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CPC Fellow Cohen Served as Expert Witness to US Senate Committee

April 10, 2007

Apr 10, 2007 CPC Fellow Philip N. Cohen was one of several expert witnesses to testify at a full committee hearing of the U.S. Senate's Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee at a hearing on "Closing the Gap: Equal Pay for Women Workers." The committee, chaired by Ted Kennedy, is considering gender equity bills proposed…

CPC Fellow Johnson Discusses Role of Arkansas’ Undocumented Immigrants as Workers

April 9, 2007

Apr 9, 2007 Most of those companies would probably go out of business or those jobs would be shifted offshore, because that's their competitiveness factor. Those firms are competing in a global marketplace," said Jim Johnson, a professor at the University of North Carolina who contributed to the study on Arkansas' immigrant population. "You can…

CPC Fellow Barry Popkin’s research on beverages discussed in New York Times

March 28, 2007

Mar 28, 2007 Last year, with the support of the Unilever Health Institute in the Netherlands (Unilever owns Lipton Tea), a panel of experts on nutrition and health published a "Beverage Guidance System" in hopes of getting people to stop drinking their calories when those calories contribute little or nothing to their health and may…

CPC Fellow Ron Rindfuss’s research on Norwegian mothers appears in NY Times Magazine

March 5, 2007

Mar 5, 2007 To the dismay of pundits and politicians alike, women in industrialized countries and elsewhere have been bearing fewer and fewer children.... According to Ronald Rindfuss, a sociologist, Norwegian women who live in towns with more day-care slots available have more children and become mothers earlier. The timing of births is important, because…

CPC Fellow Siega-Riz comments on the value of breakfast

March 2, 2007

Mar 2, 2007 It may be considered the most important meal of the day, but in the daily morning fire drill of getting out the door on time, breakfast can easily become an afterthought. ... "You should be eating something for breakfast, there's no question about it. Your body needs it in order to be…

CPC Fellow Jane Brown appears on CNN

February 23, 2007

Feb 23, 2007 CNN's interview with CPC Fellow Jane Brown is CNN's "Most Popular Video." In it, Jane discusses her book Media, Sex and the Adolescent. To see the video, click here: media outlets may require free user registration or a subscription. Most articles are available at the URLs provided for a limited time,…

CPC Fellow Darity comments on research on skin tone and earnings in Washington Post

January 30, 2007

Jan 30, 2007 Light-skinned immigrants in the United States make more money on average than those with darker complexions, and the chief reason appears to be discrimination, a researcher says. ...William Darity Jr., an economics professor at the University of North Carolina, said Hersch's findings are similar to a study he co-authored last year on…

CPC Fellow Popkin reacts to news of caffeinated baked goods

January 30, 2007

Jan 30, 2007 Dr. Robert Bohannon wants you in his world. It's fast, upbeat, jovial and driven by caffeine -- lots of it....[H]e developed a way to add caffeine to baked goods, one that eliminates the natural, bitter taste of caffeine...."I see nothing positive from this," said Barry Popkin, a nutrition scientist at the University…

News features CPC Fellow Barry Popkin’s research on eating fast food and BMI

January 18, 2007

Jan 18, 2007 A new study provides the best evidence to date that eating fast food makes you fat. Among nearly 3,400 young adults participating in a long-term study, every additional fast food meal they consumed each week correlated with a substantial increase in body mass index (BMI), Dr. Barry M. Popkin of the University…

CPC Fellow Barry Popkin named Chamblee distinguished professor of global nutrition

January 17, 2007

Jan 17, 2007 Dr. Barry M. Popkin has been named the first Carla Smith Chamblee distinguished professor of global nutrition in the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill effective Jan. 1. The professorship was endowed by the late Carl M. Smith to honor his daughter, Carla Smith Chamblee,…