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CPC Fellow Arne Kalleberg comments on working hours in the news

August 31, 2007

Aug 31, 2007 As Labor Day approaches, why does it feel like we're working harder every year? ... Moreover, the labor force is now dominated by two-worker families, leaving less time for child rearing and housekeeping duties that haven't gone away. People report working almost 10 hours more per week than their ideal, said Arne…

CPC Fellow Lisa Pearce is quoted on youth and religion in news

August 27, 2007

Aug 27, 2007 Among America's young people, godliness contributes to happiness. An extensive survey by The Associated Press and MTV found that people aged 13 to 24 who describe themselves as very spiritual or religious tend to be happier than those who don't. ...Sociologists have long drawn a connection between happiness and the sense of…

CPC Fellow Peggy Bentley’s research appears in The Philadelphia Inquirer

August 20, 2007

Aug 20, 2007 Taleah Walton entered the delivery room at Hahnemann University Hospital last month saying she planned to breast-feed. But when her son was born, she said, the hospital staff took him and fed him formula anyway. ..."They know that breast-feeding is the best," said Peggy Bentley, a nutrition professor at the University of…

Research by CPC Fellow John M. Thorp, Jr. Reported in U.S. News and World Report

August 9, 2007

Aug 9, 2007 "The phenomenon of preterm birth is complex and there are probably multiple pathways involved so, ultimately, we will probably have to have multiple solutions," said Dr. John Thorp, a co-author on the twin study and a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The article…

Sydney Morning Herald Reports on Research by CPC Fellow Popkin

August 9, 2007

Aug 9, 2007 The number of overweight people in the world overtook the number of malnourished for the first time in 2006, according to Professor Barry Popkin, director of the department of nutrition at the University of North Carolina. The article ("Overweight couples boosting obesity epidemic: study") appears in the August 8, 2007 issue of…

CPC Fellow Kathleen Mullan Harris Elected PAA President

July 27, 2007

Jul 27, 2007 The Carolina Population Center is pleased to announce that Kathleen Mullan Harris, CPC Fellow and Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been elected President of the Population Association of America for 2009.

CPC Fellow Barry Popkin comments on diet soda consumption in NY Times

July 25, 2007

Jul 25, 2007 People who drank more than one diet soda each day developed the same risks for heart disease as those who downed sugary regular soda, suggests a large but inconclusive study. ..."There's too much contradictory evidence that shows that diet beverages are healthier for you in terms of losing weight that I would…

CPC Fellow Barry Popkin research on overweight appears in news

July 19, 2007

Jul 19, 2007 The number of overweight people in the world has overtaken the number of malnourished for the first time, with a billion people considered heavier than advised. ..."The reality is that globally far more obesity than under-nutrition exists," said professor Barry Popkin. This news item appears in "Overweight people now outnumber the hungry"…

Research by CPC Fellows Carolyn Halpern and Jay Kaufman appears in news

July 16, 2007

Jul 16, 2007 When mothers suffer from depression, their children are more likely to develop behavioral problems -- but fathers can prevent this from happening, new research suggests. In a study that followed a large group of U.S. children over 10 years, researchers Jen Jen Chang, Carolyn Tucker Halpern and Jay S. Kaufman found that…

CPC Trainee Ashley Carse Awarded Fulbright Scholarship

July 13, 2007

Jul 13, 2007 Ashley Carse, a doctoral student in anthropology and CPC predoctoral trainee, has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for 2007-2008. He will research human-environmental problems in the Panama Canal Watershed from an ethnographic and historical perspective.