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Reuters covers new study by CPC Fellow Guang Guo on genetics and delinquency

July 15, 2008

Jul 15, 2008 "Three genes may play a strong role in determining why some young men raised in rough neighborhoods or deprived families become violent criminals, while others do not, U.S. researchers reported on Monday."One gene called MAOA that played an especially strong role has been shown in other studies to affect antisocial behavior --…

Wall St Journal article discusses CPC Fellow Barry Popkin’s new study on obesity in China

July 9, 2008

Jul 9, 2008 CPC Fellow Barry Popkin's study on the rise of obesity in China appeared in the Wall Street Journal. The study uses data from the China Nutrition and Health Study. "In a development with implications for China's work force and economic growth, a new study says more than 25% of adults in the…

CPC Fellow Jane Brown interviewed on NPR about teen pregnancy in the media

June 30, 2008

Jun 30, 2008 CPC Fellow and journalism professor Jane Brown discusses the "Juno Effect" on adolescents' sexual behavior in an interview on NPR. To read a summary or to find a link to listen to the interview, click here: Some media outlets may require free user registration or a subscription. Most articles are available…

Biomarkers Workshop Report

June 26, 2008

Jun 26, 2008 The summer workshop Integrating Biomarkers in Population-Based Research was successfully conducted June 2-6.  The course was developed under an NIH R25 training grant to CPC and taught by CPC's Deputy Director for Research Services Nancy Dole and CPC Fellow Andy Olshan.  It was designed to introduce social scientists to biomedical measures and…

CPC Fellow James Johnson appears in documentary about black teen births

June 20, 2008

Jun 20, 2008 CPC Fellow and distinguished professor in the Kenan-Flagler Business school James Johnson appeared in WRAL-TV's Focal Point documentary entitled "Love Child." "Love Child" takes an in-depth look at the disproportionate number of teen births in the black community with candid interviews and revealing insight from teen mothers and young men. James Johnson…

CPC Fellow Kaufman interviewed about race and health disparities

June 10, 2008

Jun 10, 2008 CPC Fellow Jay Kaufman gave a presentation at the Texas Conference on Health Disparities and an article about his presentation appeared in the Fort Worth Business Press. From the article: "Two sessions in particular, "What Would a Race-Specific Drug Look Like?" and "Race, Biology and Health," pointed out that one of the central…

CPC Fellow Penny Gordon-Larsen quoted in US News & World Report

June 6, 2008

Jun 6, 2008 "There's a reason why the last season of The Biggest Loser included couples; when two people meet and fall in love, they often change their eating and exercise habits, and not always for the better. ...Sharing an environment can clearly influence eating and exercise habits, says Penny Gordon-Larsen, a nutrition researcher at…

Newsweek quotes CPC Fellow Anna Maria Siega-Riz on weight gain in pregnancy

May 30, 2008

May 30, 2008 Researchers at the USDA-Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center studied weight gain in pregnant women. "They wondered if excessive weight gain before or during pregnancy might directly affect the metabolic programming of the developing fetus. In other words, could an overweight pregnant woman be creating an environment inside her uterus that predisposed her child…

CPC Fellow Barry Popkin comments on childhood obesity trends in The Washington Post

May 29, 2008

May 29, 2008 "The obesity epidemic may have peaked among U.S. children, halting a decades-long trend of inexorably expanding waistlines among the nation's youngest and most vulnerable, federal health officials reported yesterday. ...Barry M. Popkin, who heads the Interdisciplinary Obesity Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said he is skeptical that…

CPC Fellow Whitmore Receives UNC Award

May 27, 2008

May 27, 2008 CPC Fellow Thomas Whitmore received the UNC Graduate School's Faculty Award for Excellence in Doctoral Mentoring during the May 10 doctoral hooding ceremony in UNC's Memorial Hall. Whitmore, an Associate Professor of Geography, whose research interests focus on Latin America, particularly the broad intersection of the fields of population, medical and agricultural…